#1 in the world for genuine, new K'NEX parts

Supporting K'NEX enthusiasts worldwide since 2004

Company details

The K'NEX User Group was launched in 2004, and is operated on a not-for-profit basis throughout the world by 4children2enjoy Ltd.

Our address is 4children2enjoy Ltd, 25 Cambridge Road, Swansea SA3 4PE, United Kingdom.

Our Company number is 5026996, our VAT registration number is GB 826 3366 23, and our EORI number is GB826336623000.

Contact details

You can contact us by using our Contact form, or if you prefer, you can email us via andy @ knexusergroup.org.uk, first removing the spaces in this email address.

Whichever method you use, we will send a reply by email, usually within one business day.

Email communication is our preferred option, as emails enable us to give the highest possible level of service to our customers.

Use of the English Language

Please note that:

1. although we have customers all over the world, we communicate in the English language only.

2. the textual information provided with all our products (including instructions and safety warnings) is in the English language only.

3. we accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may arise out of translating the English text we provide into another language, via the use of Google Translate, or any other translation process.

These Terms and Conditions apply to all orders received from organisations and from private individuals, whether those orders are placed with us online or offline. We do business only under these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions and your use of this site are governed by English law. Disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

The use of the terms "we" and "our" throughout these term and conditions shall mean 4children2enjoy Ltd.

All trademarks acknowledged.