#1 in the world for genuine, new K'NEX parts

Supporting K'NEX enthusiasts worldwide since 2004

Why do you request my email address and phone number?

When you place an order with us, we request during Checkout: your organisation name (if any), contact name, address, postcode, email address and (only if your order is being shipped via Express delivery) your telephone number.

An accurate email address is essential, as this is how we send your order acknowledgement, raise any order queries with you, and keep you up to date with the delivery status of your order.

Your telephone number can also be of help to us in fulfilling your order, for instance in situations where the carrier cannot find your address. Rest assured, we will never telephone you for any other reason, or pass on your telephone number to a third party other than the organisation(s) delivering your order.

We also use the email addresses entered with orders to email our occasional newsletters. You can opt out of this service if you wish.