#1 in the world for genuine, new K'NEX parts

Supporting K'NEX enthusiasts worldwide since 2004

Why can’t I make payment?

Our website processes large numbers of online payments from customers around the world. All online payments are processed on our behalf by PayPal or Shopify, two of the world’s largest online payments companies.

The levels of security on such payments are very high, and as a result customers occasionally experience a problem whilst making payment.

If you're having trouble completing your payment, here are a few common issues and solutions to help you:

1. Insufficient Funds

Ensure that your account or card linked to PayPal or Shopify Payments has sufficient funds. Check with your bank or card provider to confirm if your balance can cover the purchase.

2. Payment Method Issues

• PayPal:
o Make sure you’re logged into the correct PayPal account.
o Check that your PayPal account has up-to-date billing and payment information.
o Verify that your account is fully verified, as unverified accounts may be restricted in some cases.

• Shopify Payments:
o Ensure your credit or debit card details (card number, expiration date, CVV, and billing address) are correct.
o Some cards may require international purchase authorizations. Contact your card provider if you believe your card is being blocked for this reason.

3. Browser or Device Issues

• Try clearing your browser cache and cookies or switching to a different browser.
• Ensure that your browser is up-to-date.
• If you're using a mobile device, try completing the payment on a desktop computer.

4. Payment Declined by Bank or Card Issuer

Sometimes payments are declined by your bank or card issuer due to security reasons or limits. Contact them to authorize the payment or check for any restrictions.

5. Network Issues

If your internet connection is slow or unstable, the payment process might be interrupted. Try connecting to a more stable network and reattempt the payment.

Still Having Trouble?

If none of the above resolves the issue, please Contact us. We’ll be happy to help you complete your purchase.

Many thanks.