#1 in the world for genuine, new K'NEX parts

Supporting K'NEX enthusiasts worldwide since 2004

Payment methods

We offer three online payment methods worldwide - Payment by Credit/Debit card; Payment by Paypal account; and Payment by Invoice.

Payment by Credit/Debit card

We are pleased to offer secure online Credit/Debit card payments (including American Express) to all our customers. Credit card/debit payments are processed for us by Shopify, so we never actually see your credit card details.

Payment by Credit/Debit card may be selected for your order on the Checkout page.

To minimise the possibility of fraud, all Credit/Debit card payments are taken at the point of customer order not on despatch of goods. Credit/Debit card payments must be made by an adult 18 years or older. We cannot be held responsible for any problems caused by online orders being placed by persons under the age of 18. These orders will become the responsibility of the adult who owns the credit or debit card used in the transaction.

Payment by Paypal account

An alternative online payment option is to make payment from your Paypal account, if you have one.

Payment by Paypal account may be selected for your order by clicking on the [PayPal checkout] button on on the Checkout page..

Payment by Invoice

We are pleased to offer offline payment by Invoice to customers worldwide, in GB pounds (£).

Payment by Invoice may be selected for your order on the Checkout page.

In the UK only, we offer "Invoice after despatch", to public sector organisations, large private sector organisations, and large charities. It is not necessary to open an account with us in advance. Invoices are raised on the day the goods are despatched. All invoices must be paid within 30 days of invoice date.

In all parts of the world, including the UK, we offer payment by "Invoice in advance", if your order has a value of £30 or more.

If you select this payment option, we will email you a Pro-forma invoice with our bank details, so that you can arrange payment via your bank. Once we receive payment, we will ship your order to you.

Currency for online payment

Before placing an order, please select your country from the pull-down list at the top right of the screen. The shop will then operate in your local currency.

If you wish to place an order in a currency other than your local currency, please Contact us.

Ownership of goods

Whichever payment method is used, we remain owners of the goods you purchase until you have paid for all of them in full. We can retrieve and resell goods if they are not paid for.