The following instruction books for K'NEX sets for the Home are available, but they may not have been uploaded to our website as yet.
Please Contact us if you would like to obtain a copy of one of these instruction books, stating the exact name of the download as listed below.
10 Model Building Fun Set 17009
100 Model Imagine Building Set 12605
12152 12154 BattleBot
12153 12155 BattleBot
15210 KNEX Beginner 40 Model
15237 KNEX Arch London Eye INX
15238 KNEX Arch Eiffel Tower INX r3
15240 KNEX Arch Golden Gate Bridge INX
15247 Cyber X Battle Bow Core Instructions
2 in 1 Revvin Racecar 16005
2 in 1 Turbo Jet 16004
2017 K'NEX Education Catalogue
2017 UK Catalog V01 01 2017
2020 10 22 1344 Files.htm
23012 Power And Play Motorized Building Set.zip
25th Anniversary Case 35013
3 in 1 Classic Amusement Park 17035
30 Model Builders Choice 13051
30 Model Multi Motor 13074
30 Model Set 11309
35 Model Ultimate Treasure Chest 12418
35 model web builds pg01 50 12418
35 model web builds pg51 99 12418
350 Pcs Value Tub 12104
375 Piece Deluxe Set 13597
425 Piece Super Value Tub 34119
4WD Crusher Tank 13127
4WD Demolition Truck
4WDTruck Classics 11414
5 in 1 Combat Crew 31480
50 Model Big Value Tub 12420
50 Model Building Set 15109
52 Model Building Set 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 1 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 2 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 3 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 4 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 5 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 6 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 7 13465
52 Model Building Set web models 8 13465
521pc Tub 12575
550 Super Value Tub 34119
6 Foot Ferris Wheel part 1 89790
70 Model Classic Construction 17435
70 Model Treasure Chest 13419
70 model web builds pg01 60 13419.docx
70 model web builds pg01 60 13419
70 model web builds pg121 178 13419
70 model web builds pg61 120 13419
800 pcs Value 12476.docx
800 pcs Value 12476
800 Value Tub Web Brontosaurus 12476
800 Value Tub Web Moto T Rex 12476
800 Value Tub Web Walking Scorpion 12476
85611 KID KNEX Dino Dudes
85613 KID KNEX Safari Mates
85700 KID KNEX Zoo Friends
85701 KID KNEX Oodles Of Pals
89790 KNEX 6ft Ferris Wheel
900 Extreme Value Tub 13321
ALIVE Attacking Raptorium 11012
ALIVE Clawing Chimera 11505
ALIVE Fighting Phoenix 11503
ALIVE Roaring Basilisk 13053
ALIVE Shredding Manticore 11039
ALIVE Slashing Griffin 11507
All Star Adventure Roller Coaster 59440
All Terrain Trekker 13501
Amazin 8 Coaster 13409
Amusement Park Corkscrew Coaster 12434
Amusement Park Ferris Wheel 12436
Amusement Park Vertical Viper 12435
Angry Birds Party Smashers 72458
Atomic Coaster 51441
Attack Copter 29147
Beasts Alive Bronto 34483
Beasts Alive Chompster 34482
Beasts Alive Insectra 34481
Beasts Alive Knexosaurus Rex 15588
Beasts Alive Robo Croc 34407
Beasts Alive Robo Jaws 34406
Beasts Alive Stompz 34485
Beasts Alive Tri Stego 34484
Beasts Alive X Flame 34692
Big Air Ball Tower 63172
Big Ball Factory 52443
Big Ball Factory 63045
Big Ball Factory 79520
Bionic Blast Roller Coaster 34048
Blizzard Blast Roller Coaster 54401
Builders Choice 13051
Builders Toolbox 10908
Cape Canaveral Launch Pad 12526 (1)
Cape Canaveral Launch Pad 12526
Cars Building Set 25525
Challenge 13520
Challenge Building Set 35 Models 33147
Challenge Building Set 33147
Classic 50 Model 12211
Clock Work Roller Coaster 15406
Cobra Curse Coaster 51023
Cobras Coil Roller Coaster 12451
Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster 51056
Command a Bot 63155
Cosmic Quest 13034
Creation Zone 16511
Crossfire Chaos 52417
Cyber KNEX Ultra 63007
Dinosaur Drop Roller Coaster 28041
Diosaurs 20 Mdl Building Set 12049
DiscoverControl instructions
Disney Dumbo Ride 60056
Double Doom Roller Coaster 55402
Double Ferris Wheel 13076
Double Lift Coaster Combo Build 77673
DoubleDare Dueling Coaster
Dragon Revenge 34043
Dragons Drop 13075
Dragster 2 13152
Drop N Swing 4 12080
Education sets
Electric Inferno Roller Coaster 17040
Electronic Arcade 63159
Explorer Building Set 35035
Extreme Sports 13407
Ferris Coaster Wheel 15152
Ferris Wheel 1 12078
Ferris Wheel 14469
Ferris Wheel 3 Tall 15116
Ferris Wheel Light Up 50042
Ferris Wheel Musical 15137
Firestorm Freefall 51539
Grandfather Clock 89774
Helicopter Building Set 17036
Hometown Carnival 13061
Hornet Swarm Roller Coaster 17038
Hot Shot Coaster 51075
Hyperspace Commando Outpost 33041
Hyperspace Training Tower (battery) 63151
HyperSpace Training Tower (electric) 63147
Hyperspeed Hangtime 51415
Imagine Builder Basics 17010
Imagine Imagination Makers Building Set 16434
Imagine Power and Play Motorized Building Set 23012
Imagine Super Value Tub 12575
Infinite Journey Roller Coaster 15407
Intermediate Building Set 50015
International Space Station 15118
K FORCE 30 Dart Pack 47528
K FORCE Battle Bow 47525
K FORCE Double Draw 47556
K FORCE Dual Cross 47526
K FORCE Flash Fire Motorized Blaster 47010
K FORCE K 10X 47516
K FORCE K 20X 47524
K FORCE K 5 Phantom 47538
K FORCE Mega Boom 47527
K FORCE Mini Cross 47517
K FORCE Super Strike Rotoshot Blaster 47009
Kid KNEX Blinkin Buddies 85614
Kid KNEX Budding Builders 85618
Kid KNEX Ocean Pals 85617
KID KNEX Oodles of Pals 85701
Kid KNEX Stretchin Friends 85615
KID KNEX Wings and Wheels
Kid KNEX Zoomin Rides 85616
Kids Choice 30 Models Building Set 13027
KNEX Basic Building Set 30010
KNEX Classic 4 Wheel Drive Truck 11414
KNEX Extravaganza 63045
KNEX Giant Building Set 60020
KNEX Master Building Set 35139
KNEX Starter Building Set 30005
KNEXosaurus 12511
KNEXosaurus Rex 11324
KNEXosaurus Rex 12568
Krakens Revenge Roller Coaster 17616
Land Rocket 82403
Lava Launch Coaster 50050
Loopin Lightning 50025
Loopin Lizard 15135
Looping Light Up Coaster QVC 51455
Lunar Launch Roller Coaster 51425
Mario Circuit Ultimate v2 38501
Mario Kart 8 Mario Standard Bike 38494
Mario Luigi Starting Line 38435
Mario Donkey Kong Beach Challenge 38155
Mecha Bite Roller Coaster 13446
Mecha Claw Roller Coaster 13447
Mecha Strike Roller Coaster 18515
Mega Motorcycle 15149
Mighty Makers Deep Sea Dive 43552
Mighty Makers Directors Cut 43067
Mighty Makers Fun on the Ferris Wheel 43534
Mighty Makers Haileys Star Gazing Adventure 43085
Mighty Makers Home Designer 43535
Mighty Makers Inventors Clubhouse 43753
Mighty Makers Runway Designer 43066
Mighty Makers Up Up and Away 43733
Mighty Makers World Travels 43087
Milennium Launcher Set 25 Models 13043
Millennium Master Set 50 Models 35149
MotoBots 2 Chomp 12154
MotoBots 4 Spider 12153
MotoBots Razor 12152
Motorcycle 17007
Motorized Madness Ball Machine 50086
Multi Motor 13074
Musical Carouse 13071
NEOPOST Tariff 2015 Download Instructions IS240 280 AutoStamp2
Nintendo Beach Building 38624
Nintendo Cat Mario 38635
Nintendo Ghost House 38529
Nintendo Mario vs Thwomps 38465
Nintendo Stacked Goombas 38419
Nintendo Super Mario Mystery Figures Series 4 38432
Octopus Ride 11743
Octopus Whirl 3 12084
Panther Attack Roller Coaster 34047
Phoenix Fury 50538
Pirate Ship 11723
Pirate Ship Park 15139
Plane Building Set 17034
Plants vs Zombies Conehead Mech 53487
Plants vs Zombies Football Mech 53488
Plants vs Zombies Mystery Fig Cowboy Zombie 53437
Plants vs Zombies Mystery Figures Series 5 53041
Plants vs Zombies Pirate Seas Plank Walk 53444
Plants vs Zombies Wild West Skirmish 53438
Power and Go Racers 33017
Power Tower Crane 63149
Racecar Sampler 72256
Rally Car 29063
Rally Sport Racer 11406
Raptors Revenge 51432
Renegade Run Coaster13080
Revolution Ferris Wheel 15408
Rippin Rocket 2 51026
Rippin Rocket 63166
Road Fighters 23344
Robo Smash 13243
Robo Sting 13244
Robo Strike 13201
Rocket Boost Roller Coaster 50054
Roller Coaster 63030
Rotokontrol 10 in 1 44421
Saturn V Rocket 15122
SawBlade Thrill Ride 50085
Scary Go Round Ferris Wheel 14032
Screamin Serpent 63153
Serpent Spiral Coaster 50090
Shark Run 13057
Shuttle Orbiter 12018
Silver Edition Value Tub Building Set 12042
Sky Sprinter Roller Coaster 52478
Son of Serpent Coaster part 1 52242
Son of Serpent Coaster part 2 52242
Son of Serpent Coaster part 3 52242
Son of Serpent Coaster part 4 52242
Sonic Blizzard Coaster 50060
Sonic Fighter 12143
Sorcerers Eclipse 51463
Space Cruisers 13024
Space Invasion Roller Coaster 27044
Speed Coaster 2 12082
Speed Demon Coaster 58108
Speedy 3 12164
Spitting Iguanadon Alive 11014
Star Shooter Coaster 13408
Starburst Spinner 15142
Steel Scorpion Roller Coaster 51520
Storm Mountain 14144
Strike Force Bomber 11405
Super Cyborg 34948
Super Cyclone 50063
Super Structure 15115 web
Super Structure 15115
Super Swing 4 12072
Supernova Blast Coaster 51437
Supersonic Swirl 13410
Swing Ride11721
T Rex 14123
T Rex Fury Roller Coaster 27146
Tabletop Thrills Amusement Park in a Box 34042
Tabletop Thrills Shark Attack 34041
Talon Twist 14569
Thunderbolt Strike Roller Coaster 51587
TINKERTOY Big Top 56538
TINKERTOY Pink 56541
TINKERTOY Transit 56539
TINKERTOY Vehicles 56536
Titanfall IMC Atlas Titan 69503
Titanfall Militia Ogre Titan 69504
Titanfall Ultimate Angel City Campaign 69500
Tractors and Trucks 61022
Trail Rider 15222
Trampoline Tower 63157
Transport Chopper Classics 11413
Truck Building Set 17037
Twisted Lizard RC 15146
Typhoon Frenzy Coaster 51438
Vehicles Building Set 31008
Vertical Vengeance 50080
vibdoc.com 30 model classic web 11309
Vipers Venom 51416
Vultures Vengeance Roller Coaster 17447
Web Weaver Roller Coaster 45717
Xtreme Quad Racer 11034
Yellow Submarine 48464